Songs of the Month: July 2014

Dan Croll – “From Nowhere” (Baarsden Remix) A stunningly atmospheric song that was used in the trailer for GTA V’s next-gen reveal at E3, this song manages to have relatively heart-felt lyrics, a soft electronic vibe and a good dancey chorus section as well.  I think this could do well in the charts with a little more exposure. Porter Robinson – “Lionhearted” A lot has been made of the fact that Porter Robinson’s new album will break the EDM mould and create something unique, and — Read more →

EA Takes the Lead with New Service

As far as video games are concerned, EA are the evil Santa Claus.  They give everyone games galore to play through the year, but nobody likes them.  Their decisions to have micro-transactions in almost every title, to charge extra for DLC that should be part of the game to start with and to bleed the life out of their biggest franchises really go against gamers’ moral values.  The vitriol against the company is perhaps best measured by their dubious accolade of being voted “Worst Company — Read more →

The Latest Chapter of Violence in Israel

The recent conflict between Israel and Palestine is only the latest chapter in what is the world’s most notable ongoing military and political struggle.  There is a wealth of history behind the story, which isn’t fully understood by many, and this article will try to condense the timeline of events into a manageable summary on page 1, and discuss current events in a historical context on page 2. The Jewish community originated in the area around where modern-day Israel is.  The stories of the Bible — Read more →

Gàidhlig ann an Alba Neo-Eisimileach

Cha mhòr nach eil gach pàirt de beatha poblachd ‘s prìobhaideach Alba air a bhith fo sgrùdadh anns an deasbad mhòir a tha dol air adhart mu dheidhinn neo-eisimileachd do dh’Alba.  Gu cìnnteach ‘s e an eaconomaidh, ballrachd anns an t-Aonadh Eòrpach ‘s mar a bhitheas seirbheisean an riaghaltas air atharrachadh na cùisean as cudromaiche don mòr-sluaigh ach faodaidh na ceistean le buaidh nas lugha a bhith cudromach ann a bhith atharrachadh inntinn cuideigin a tha anns a mheadhan a thaobh a dheasbad.  ‘S e — Read more →

Gaelic in an Independent Scotland

Almost every part of private and public life in Scotland has been under scrutiny in the big debate going on surrounding Scottish independence.  Certainly the economy, membership of the European Union and how state services will change are the biggest issues to the population but smaller questions with less perceived impact can still be important in the bigger picture as they change the minds of people that are caught in the middle of the debate.  The status of Gaelic is one such question that I — Read more →