Songs of the Month: April 2015

While there’s never any real attempt or effort when I write these monthly list of songs to pick a set of songs with a common theme, it often turns out with the way my music taste and listening habits work that you’ll see a link between many of the tunes I pick.  This month there’s a definite feel that each of these songs have gone under the radar a little, with them all being great songs that are more than deserving of some attention but — Read more →

Songs of the Month: March 2015

This has been a month where I’ve broken out the quieter and more lo-fi tunes as much as possible, and they have been great at getting through the busy workload that the end of term always brings! Lisa Mitchell – “Neopolitan Dreams” A lovely soft song that is amazing at quietening things down, it’s one that was used once or twice in adverts in the late 2000s that just seem to evoke a certain memory of less hectic times that helps all the more. Clean — Read more →

Songs of the Month: February 2015

Runrig – “Faileas air an Airigh” (feat. Julie Fowlis) A mhìos seo, cheannaich mi a chlàr bhon cuirm Party on the Moor a bh’aig Runrig a bhòn-uiridh anns a’ Bhlàr Dhubh airson an 40mh cò-latha-breith aca agus ‘s e seo an òran as toigh leam as fheàrr bhon oidhche ud. ‘S e òran àlainn a th’ann le clarsach sa chùil ‘s faclan boidheach mu dheidhinn fear ag eilthireach ‘s e cuimhneachadh air an tìr ‘s an gaol aice a dh’fhàg e. ‘S e am pàirt as — Read more →

Songs of the Month: January 2015

January’s a month of greyness and the rather tough return to reality after the Christmas and New Year festivities really lends itself to finding solace in some good music. While there have been plenty of new tracks out this month, for some reason I’ve found myself listening to old and forgotten tracks that normally fall foul of the skip button on my iPod. A few of them are mixed in here along with some new stuff that is just as good! Calvin Harris – “Thinking — Read more →

Songs of the Month: December 2014

As hard as it is to believe, that’s us into another new year – 2015. The holidays have been great fun, but now life is slowly coming back to its normal state, and what better way to clear the boredom than with some great music! These are some of the tunes that I’ve been listening to throughout December. Seeing as they were added so late in the year, these tracks will have a chance at appearing on 2015’s songs of the year list seeing as — Read more →