T in the Park 2016 hitlist

T in the Park is just under a week away and I’m now at the point where I can barely contain my excitement for it. It’s been a little while since I’ve festivaled, and in the absence of a “proper” summer holiday this year the three days spent at Strathallan will be the best getaway I’ll have all year. While the line-up isn’t as strong throughout as it has been in other years, each day has it’s highlight that will be more than worth seeing, — Read more →

University & I

It feels a little surreal to be saying it, but my education career is over.  Words at times I never thought I’d actually be able to say! I’m now a graduate of the University of Aberdeen, and ready to finally go out into the big, bad world of work.  My four years have armed me with the skills and experiences I need to find myself a good job in the field that I want and I’ll soon be able to earn plenty money to make — Read more →

Let’s stay in the EU

The European Union isn’t perfect, but as an organisation it has been an incredible force for good across Europe and the UK has played an important role in leading it forward. The EU was formed after World War II to promote international solidarity across the continent as it struggled to rebuild after decades of conflict.  The founding principle of the EU is that by engaging in trade and co-operating with fellow European countries that Europe will be safer, stronger and more prosperous.  And that’s exactly — Read more →

Introducing: The Aberdeen WordPress Theme

My websites have received a bit of a facelift over the last week as I’ve rolled out my first ever WordPress theme built from scratch, which I’ve titled after where it was built: Aberdeen. It’s been designed from the underscores template, which gives the barest of bones from which to build a functional WordPress theme.  With a bit of graft I’ve managed to put together what I think is a pretty stylish theme which I’m pretty happy with! I wanted something that looked similar to — Read more →

Seeing the Android Light

I hath wandered in the technological desert for two years but salvation has come in the form of a Samsung Galaxy A3. It’s no surprise to anyone that knows me that I wasn’t a fan of my old phone – the Nokia Lumia.  I’ve written before about the pitfalls of having a Windows Phone as your weapon of choice, and rather than these issues being ironed out over time as you bear the burden of them, things actually got worse.  The lack of good apps — Read more →