Journalism Must Change

This is an English translation of the original post “Feumaidh Naidheachdas Atharrachadh” The profession I hope to go into when I leave university is that of journalism.  It’s a job that I’d enjoy a lot, and more than that: I think I’d be good at it.  But it’s an industry that’s rather old-fashioned in a world that seems as though it’s changing faster than ever before.  Even though I’m confident enough that journalism is going to be an industry that stands the test of time, — Read more →

Feumaidh Naidheachdas Atharrachadh

‘S e an cosnadh a tha mi an dòchas a-dol an sàs ann nuair a tha mi air an oilthigh fhagail a bhith nam luchd-naidheachd.  ‘S e obair a chòrdadh rium gu mòr ‘s a barrachd air a sin tha mi a’smaoineachadh gum bidh mi math air.  Ach ‘s e gnìomhachas caran seann-fhasanta a th’ann ann an saoghal a tha coltach gu bheil e tionndadh aig astar nas luaithe ‘s nas luaithe.  Ged a tha mi dearbhte gu leòr gum bidh naidheachdas gnìomh maireannach, feumaidh — Read more →

Referencing in Microsoft Word

Essays are generally not a thrilling prospect for most students and one of the least appetising parts of constructing an academic essay is the task of referencing.  Finding sources online is tricky enough; having to wade through many books or articles on Google Scholar or JSTOR before finding one that’s actually relevant.  But then you have to use a special type of code writing to show the marker what you have read. It can seem daunting but Microsoft Word, something you’ll likely already use to — Read more →

My Cancer Donation Selfie

2014 so far in social media has been dominated by viral posts where someone does something and then tags friends to join in on the antics. First were neknominations, where someone downs a drink of choice and then nominates friends do the same. Neknominations were largely uninteresting videos with a rather boring concept around them, once you had seen one or two.  These also got bad press, and probably deservingly enough, for glorifying binge drinking and being dubiously tied to the tragic deaths of some — Read more →

Why Just Winter Olympics?

The curtain has fallen on the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic games after two weeks of competition.  From a British perspective, it has been a successful one; equalling our greatest ever medal total – even though it was just four. Admittedly I’ve found myself watching a few events, like the snowboarding half-pipe, the ski jumping and the curling, generally only because they are on and I feel that given the rarity of Winter Olympics that I should make an effort to watch some of the sports.  — Read more →