Why I’m Voting Yes

A month from today the people of Scotland will finally be given the chance to declare whether or not they should become independent.  It will be a monumentally important day in the history of the country, building upon centuries’ worth of struggle to give us the opportunity to make our democratic wishes heard.  Polls suggest that it’s going to be close, and it’s still there for both Yes Scotland and Better Together to win (or lose).  After years of thinking about the issue though, I’ve — Read more →

Salmond v Darling – Round 1

In the first of two scheduled head-to-head debates between the key figures from both independence referendum campaigns, First Minster Alex Salmond and former Chancellor Alistair Darling squared off last night over their competing visions of Scotland’s future. Over the piece, there was little new from either campaign’s spokesperson, but it did lay bare a lot of the key issues that are still on the minds of Scottish voters in the run up to next month’s big vote. Salmond opened the debate with a rather unassured — Read more →

Gàidhlig ann an Alba Neo-Eisimileach

Cha mhòr nach eil gach pàirt de beatha poblachd ‘s prìobhaideach Alba air a bhith fo sgrùdadh anns an deasbad mhòir a tha dol air adhart mu dheidhinn neo-eisimileachd do dh’Alba.  Gu cìnnteach ‘s e an eaconomaidh, ballrachd anns an t-Aonadh Eòrpach ‘s mar a bhitheas seirbheisean an riaghaltas air atharrachadh na cùisean as cudromaiche don mòr-sluaigh ach faodaidh na ceistean le buaidh nas lugha a bhith cudromach ann a bhith atharrachadh inntinn cuideigin a tha anns a mheadhan a thaobh a dheasbad.  ‘S e — Read more →

Gaelic in an Independent Scotland

Almost every part of private and public life in Scotland has been under scrutiny in the big debate going on surrounding Scottish independence.  Certainly the economy, membership of the European Union and how state services will change are the biggest issues to the population but smaller questions with less perceived impact can still be important in the bigger picture as they change the minds of people that are caught in the middle of the debate.  The status of Gaelic is one such question that I — Read more →

American Intervention Comes to Scotland

In the past week both US President Barack Obama and former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have expressed that they hope that Scotland votes No in September’s independence referendum.  Until now the US has stayed firmly out of the debate, with the official State department line being that it was a matter for the people of Scotland to decide, but with the campaigns drawing nearer to an end and the polls narrowing, this US intervention may be a sign of the increasing — Read more →