Twitter Night Mode for Desktop

Twitter introduced night mode to its iOS app last week, following its release on Android earlier this year, and it’s made viewing Twitter on a mobile device all the easier on the eye. It’s been well received, and I’m loving using it on my phone because it’s much less glaring and easier to read. I’ve been using f.lux on my computer for about a year, and although it works almost entirely in the background – you notice the difference that it makes in dimming the — Read more →

Ninja Forms User Registration

Create a user in WordPress with a Ninja Form

After searching around for a code snippet that would do the trick when it comes to registering a user through Ninja Forms to no avail, I managed to put one together that works a treat. All you need to do is change some of the IDs in the code to match your form details and then pop this into your theme’s functions.php file and you’ll be good to go. You can even create multiple versions of this code snippet, just change up the name nf_create_user where it — Read more →

Add Referrer info to WooCommerce order

Here’s another quick code snippet for you all, this time to keep track of where a customer initially came to the site from when they make an order via WooCommerce. This is great for tracking any marketing efforts that you are doing and a quick and easy way of seeing how your users are interacting with your site. The data will then appear in the meta boxes of an order, so you can find out where they came from.

Split email address into first name and last name

Just a little bit of code here, thought it would be useful to share. If you’re ever working with a system that registers users and would like to know user’s names to personalise things a little, you’ll understand the frustration of people not co-operating in giving you their names! These simple scripts, either Javascript or PHP, can be added on to your registration page and will let you pick up first names and surnames from email addresses.  Hope it helps! Feel free to test out the — Read more →

Handy CSS and JavaScript tricks

For some summer is a few months of spending time outside in the sun, getting the most of the good weather and enjoying some time off.  While I do as much of that as I can, my summers as a web developer often see me sat in front of a screen trying my hardest to figure out why that little box won’t quite go in the right place.  Maybe not as fun all the time, but it can be just as satisfying. Web development can — Read more →