One Year Blogiversary

Yep, it’s one year ago today that I started blogging from this here site and looking back on things it actually feels like I’ve been doing it for far longer!  I’ve really enjoyed writing articles every few days for the site, and I think it’s proved relatively successful. I started writing on a Blogspot blog years ago and more seriously from about eighteen months ago, as it was quick and easy to set up and offered everything I needed to get a few thoughts out — Read more →

Mo Bhreab do Rapal

Fhuair mi an cothrom a-nochd gabhail pàirt ann am prògram BBC Reidio nan Gàidheal Breab do Rapal agus chòrd e rium fìor mhath.  Bha agam ri timcheall air fichead òrain a thaghadh airson cluich thairis air dà uair a thìde ‘s a’bruidhinn mun deidhinn ‘s beagan mu dheidhinn na tha mi a’deànamh aig an oilthigh ‘s mun cuairt air.  Chan eil mi riamh air a bhith air an reidio roimhe, ach chòrd e rium sònraichte math ‘s tha mi gu math taingeil gun d’fhuair mi an — Read more →

My Summer Projects

The summer’s nearly over, which is strange considering it feel like it only just begun not too long ago, but that also means that I’m able to share what I’ve been developing at my work – and I’m proud of it. First up is the new OnlineTEFLCourses website.  OnlineTEFLCourses allows people from all over the world to train to teach English as a Foreign Language.  The brand launched in December 2012, but since then the website and brand had remained largely unchanged and was in — Read more →

Why I’m Voting Yes

A month from today the people of Scotland will finally be given the chance to declare whether or not they should become independent.  It will be a monumentally important day in the history of the country, building upon centuries’ worth of struggle to give us the opportunity to make our democratic wishes heard.  Polls suggest that it’s going to be close, and it’s still there for both Yes Scotland and Better Together to win (or lose).  After years of thinking about the issue though, I’ve — Read more →

Fantasy Football 2014-15

After the excitement of the Scottish league starting, the next stage in football’s emergence from hibernation is the English Premier League’s kick-off this Saturday.  Even though I don’t particularly support any one club in England, I still can’t deny that it is the league that produces the most exciting games and where you will likely find the best football week-in, week-out. My interest in English football was keener than ever before last year as I took part in Sky Sports’ Fantasy Football for the first — Read more →