Guide to Flat Hunting in Aberdeen

Aberdeen is a perfect storm for those who are looking to buy or rent in the city.  With a rich populace, because of the oil industry’s omnipresence, relatively small area and a larger than average percentage of students – there are many factors that make finding a place to live in Aberdeen a struggle. Last year I moved from university halls of residence to renting a flat with friends.  The process was inevitable, and we knew that it would take time and effort – but — Read more →

The Online Newsagents

The media has changed drastically beyond recognition in the time I’ve been alive.  If you had said in the mid-90s that newspapers would be on their way out in just twenty years then you would be given some questionable looks for sure.  The internet has brought a wealth of new opportunities for people to get and distribute news.  The 24-hour news cycle is not just a fad, but a modern baseline for most worthy news organisations.  And now there are more news outlets than ever — Read more →

The Evils of Exams

I can’t think of anything in my young life which provides more stress, anxiety and general unhappiness than the most dreaded part of the education system: Exams.  Your entire course builds up to a crucial and make-or-break few hours, where your success or failure as a student is measured.  It’s a horrible situation to be in.  Gladly, today I finished my last exam of this semester of uni, and I couldn’t be happier. Exams are old hat to me now at this stage in my — Read more →

Crìonadh Culturail

Dimàirt seo chaidh, dh’fhoillsich am BBC pìos naidheachd ag radh gum bidh an iris Gàidhlig mu dheireadh, Cothrom, a sgur a dh’aithghearr air sgath dìth airgead.  ‘S e suidheachadh duilich a tha seo, leis an adhartas a tha air a bhith ann leis a chànan anns an fharsaingeachd.  Tha e mar pàirt de crìonadh culturail anns a Ghàidhlig, ‘s anns an dùthaich gu lèir, gum bith ar cànan air fagail gun fhoillseachadh slàn cunbhalach sam bith. Bidh Cothrom a’dol dhan dorchadas còmhla ri irisean ainmeil — Read more →