Gaelic adds £148 million to the economy

I was delighted last night when I came across a BBC article that professed the news that new research had found that Gaelic contributes as much as £148.5 million each year to the Scottish economy. The research was undertaken and published by Highlands and Islands Enterprise to estimate the value of Gaelic to the economy and society of Scotland on the whole.  It’s the first real effort to research the topic and it is a big step in terms of developing the language that an — Read more →

Gàidhlig a’cur £148 millean dhan eaconomaidh

Bha mi air mo dhòigh an raoir nuair a thàinig mi air airtaigail aig a’BhBC a thug an naidheachd seachad gun robh rannsachadh air lorg gu bheil Gàidhlig a’cur a-steach suas ri £148.5 millean gach bliadhna gu eaconomaidh na h-Alba. Chaidh an rannsachadh fhoillseachadh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean an dè airson tomhais a’dhèanamh de luach aig a’Ghàidhlig do eaconomaidh ‘s coimhearsnachd na h-Alba san fharsaigneachd.  ‘S i a’chiad oidhirp mhòr riamh air sin a’dhèanamh agus ‘s e na ceum mòr a th’ann — Read more →

The Catalonia question

On Sunday, Catalonia held its own self-determination referendum as part of the movement there for independence.  The similarities with the recent “Scottish referendum” may appear to be very clear, but the situation in Catalonia is far more controversial, confused and potentially impactful than it was in Scotland. The fact that theirs was not an independence referendum in its own right shows the first key difference.  Despite intentions to hold a binding vote on whether the region should break away from Spain it was blocked by — Read more →

Knife Party – Abandon Ship: Review

I came across a fantastic description of Knife Party the other day as I was surfing the web and reading about their new, upcoming album.  The discussion was about how their album had been pushed further, to late November now, after being original planned for early October, then late October, then early November.  There were a few Deftones references as people legitimately had never heard of the band, formed by a breakaway duo of Rob Swire & Gareth McGrillen from drum and bass legends Pendulum.  — Read more →

Opinion Poll Centre

Opinion polls are the heartbeat of day-to-day politics, as they give the politicians an objective look at what their public wants that they can use to map out their policies for government or for their next elections.  They are second only to actual voting and elections in terms of indicators of success or failure and are to be taken with interest and seriousness by anyone with an interest in politics.  For me, they are a perfect mix of politics and statistics – and are extremely — Read more →