The Independence Referendum: The Final Stretch

It’s not long now until the campaigning around the Scottish independence referendum kicks into high gear ahead of the vote next year on the 18th of September.  With the SNP conference underway in Perth, I thought I’d detail the the independence debate as it stands at the moment, and where I stand on certain key issues. Never before in my lifetime have I seen campaigning of any political nature such a long way before the polls, apart from US Presidential Elections. This is, undoubtedly, the — Read more →

A Bright Future for Scotland?

Another Scotland qualifying campaign has ended without a success, the 8th in a row, But for the first time in five years, I believe we have a decent chance at ending the barren run and qualifying for Euro 2016. First of all, we finished in the group where we were expected to. With the powerhouses of Belgium and Croatia, currently two of the top ten ranked sides in the world, we weren’t in with much of a chance of getting the place we needed to samba in — Read more →

GTA V: Review

Anticipation is a dangerous thing. When you are waiting for something, longing for something – no matter what it is – you are either setting yourself up to love or hate something. I’ve waited years for GTA V, and I love it. Instead of jumping in to writing a review a week into having the game, I wanted to wait until I’ve much more fully experienced the game. With hundreds of things to do in the game, it’s unfair to judge it based on the — Read more →