I Love Halloween

The nights have drawn in, the clocks have gone back, and once again, Halloween is here.  I love Halloween.  It’s up there with Christmas, New Year and my Birthday as one of the four best days of the year in my book.  Well, calendar.  It may seem a bit strange, but our family has built up a history and a tradition around Halloween, and made it all the more special than just a night of sweets and guising. It all started for us about ten — Read more →

Katy Perry – Prism: Review

As much as modern pop music doesn’t generally appeal to me, I’ve still a soft spot for Katy Perry.  Her tunes are generally upbeat, catchy and generally put everyone in a good mood – and that’s what pop music is meant to do.  In her latest album, she keeps her bubble-gum brand of pop music going, whilst showing us that she can truly sing. The lead single, “Roar” is perhaps the best representation of the album.  It mixes a pop song with a ballad, being — Read more →

Barrachd air a Mhòd

Shaoil mi gum bu chòir dhomh beagan a sgriobhadh air a bhlog seo ann an Gàidhlig airson a chanan a cleachdadh barrachd ‘s ‘s docha deiligeadh le cuspair neo dha Gaidhealeach ann an doigh nas nàdarraiche. Thainig Mòd Rioghail am bliadhna gu crìch seachdainn seo chaidh ann am Pàislig.  Gu cinnteach bha e soirbheachail, le faisg air 3,000 neach a gabhail pàirt, an ìre as airde bhon Mòd 2009 san t-Òban.  Tha e math fhaicinn gu bheil an fhèis air a dheànamh cho math ann — Read more →

More Than The Mod

This post is an English translation of the original post “Barrachd air a Mhòd“. This year’s Royal National Mod came to a close last weekend in Paisley.  It was certainly successful, with close to 3,000 participants, the highest level since the 2009 Mod in Oban.  It’s good to see that the festival is doing so well in a town that doesn’t have much of a connection with the language.  I’m full of optimism that the next Mod, in Inverness, near my hometown of Dingwall, will — Read more →

The Internet in a Sugar-Coated Nutshell: reddit

The internet is a big, sprawling, expansive network – with a sole purpose to feed you information by the gigabyte. Every minute of every day, there are 72 HOURS of video uploaded to YouTube, 2 million Google searches, 6 million Facebook views, 15,000 iTunes downloads and hundreds, if not thousands, of news stories published. It’s vast, and there’s no way of keeping constant track of everything. But there’s one website that helps: reddit. reddit is a content aggregation site at its’ heart. Its’ millions of users post links — Read more →