Feumaidh Naidheachdas Atharrachadh

‘S e an cosnadh a tha mi an dòchas a-dol an sàs ann nuair a tha mi air an oilthigh fhagail a bhith nam luchd-naidheachd.  ‘S e obair a chòrdadh rium gu mòr ‘s a barrachd air a sin tha mi a’smaoineachadh gum bidh mi math air.  Ach ‘s e gnìomhachas caran seann-fhasanta a th’ann ann an saoghal a tha coltach gu bheil e tionndadh aig astar nas luaithe ‘s nas luaithe.  Ged a tha mi dearbhte gu leòr gum bidh naidheachdas gnìomh maireannach, feumaidh — Read more →

The Online Newsagents

The media has changed drastically beyond recognition in the time I’ve been alive.  If you had said in the mid-90s that newspapers would be on their way out in just twenty years then you would be given some questionable looks for sure.  The internet has brought a wealth of new opportunities for people to get and distribute news.  The 24-hour news cycle is not just a fad, but a modern baseline for most worthy news organisations.  And now there are more news outlets than ever — Read more →