The Blueprint for Independence

Yesterday was another important milestone in the independence referendum campaign, as the Scottish Government launched their long-awaited white paper. Entitled “Scotland’s future: Your guide to an independent Scotland”; it sets out the SNP Government’s vision for the aftermath of a Yes vote in next year’s referendum.  If Scotland chooses independence next September, these are the terms that the current administration will be working towards achieving.  This is the both the SNP’s manifesto for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election and the blueprint for Scottish independence. Some — Read more →

The Independence Referendum: The Final Stretch

It’s not long now until the campaigning around the Scottish independence referendum kicks into high gear ahead of the vote next year on the 18th of September.  With the SNP conference underway in Perth, I thought I’d detail the the independence debate as it stands at the moment, and where I stand on certain key issues. Never before in my lifetime have I seen campaigning of any political nature such a long way before the polls, apart from US Presidential Elections. This is, undoubtedly, the — Read more →