Building an online music library

I’ve always been a geek when it comes to music, and the lonely nights of lockdown gave me the chance this year to work on a project I’d wanted to do for some time: building my own online music library. Ever since I started downloading songs from iTunes back in the day, I’ve always wanted to be able to see what songs or artists I’ve been listening to most over a given length of time.  iTunes had limited abilities in that, but when I signed — Read more →

WPJM Job Schema Plugin for WordPress markup is the future of the crawlable web, as search engines grow more and more favourable to easily parsed code that make their job easier. This new structured data is behind a lot of the new “smarter” search results that you’ll find in Google – whether it be from flight info to menus.  The chances are the reason those flights, and those menus, appear to you is because that site has good structured data. Google is now turning it’s focus towards jobs, and they’ve — Read more →

Fixing Word formatting errors in Notepad++ and Brackets

Microsoft Word is still the best word processor out there, and because of this it’s got a wide range of interoperability with other programmes that deal with text. The problem is that sometimes this interoperability doesn’t work universally, and some of the things that Word does to make your document seem prettier – like automatically formatting characters – ends up being a problem. I use Notepad++ a lot for small bits of plain text or code, and Brackets for larger projects, and sometimes this code — Read more →

Ninja Forms 3 Password Field

UPDATE 7/4/17 – Since version 3.0.31, password fields have been available again in Ninja Forms.  When adding fields, type in password in the search/filter bar on the top right to find the fields and add them to the form.  If you are using an up-to-date version of Ninja Forms, you should use the built-in password field and not use my solution below. Ninja Forms 3 doesn’t come built in with a password field, which makes things like user registration with Ninja Forms, a bit less user-friendly. Luckily with — Read more →

Secure passwords with salt and pepper hash

We’ve all heard about some of the biggest websites in the world being hacked in the last few years, be it LinkedIn, Yahoo or anyone else. The big deal when sites get hacked is that generally it means those who did the hacking have access to the site’s database, which contains all of the information held by the site about its users; which generally includes password information. The real problem with this is that many websites still don’t use the best practices when it comes — Read more →