Kacey Musgraves – “A Very Kacey Christmas”: Review

Kacey Musgraves is this decade’s answer to Taylor Swift, bringing modern appeal to country music and doing her own thing too – but it’s just that Musgraves is even better and truer to her roots. Kicking off the Christmas music season in style is her Christmas album “A Very Kacey Christmas” which manages to blend a bunch of different musical styles together with a helping of guest stars and raw talent to make something very special indeed. Listening to this album is a strange experience — Read more →

The Naked and Famous – Simple Forms: Review

In a year that’s been particularly devoid of great music, I’m delighted that The Naked and Famous have put out their third record called Simple Forms. An album borne out of the end of a relationship between two of the band members was always going to be emotionally charged, but it adds a tremendous energy to the songs that sets it apart. And it’s that theme, energy, that runs through it – from the high intensity opening tracks to the slower, but more powerful ones — Read more →

Runrig – The Story: Review

Runrig are a cultural phenomenon unlike any other, bringing Gaelic to the fore and broadening the appeal of Celtic Rock across the continent and across the Atlantic Ocean.  In their 40+ year career, they have done it all and maintained the same approachable sound that found them success as a ceilidh band back in the early days. If The Story is their parting gift to an adoring audience that has followed them everywhere for the longest time, then it is a fitting one. Being the — Read more →

Niteworks – NW: Review

I often thought that a mix of traditional Highland music and electronic dance music could make a good genre, and I have looked around for it for a while.  Martyn Bennett’s music is definitely the closest to it, but as fantastic as he was it’s desperately sad that he died over ten years ago now.  I hadn’t heard the like of his music from anyone else, until this month. Niteworks have been around for a bit as it turns out, but this month sees the — Read more →

Niteworks – NW: Ath-sgrùdadh

Bha mi tric den bheachd gun dèanadh measgachadh de chiùil caran tradiseanta ‘s Gàidhealach ‘s ciùil dannsa eileagtronaigeach gu math, agus bha mi gal org fad ùine.  ‘S e an ceòl aig Martyn Bennett as fhaisge dhi, ach cho math ‘s a bha e gu sònraichte bochd chaoicheal e barrachd ‘s deich bliadhna air ais a-nis.  Cha robh mi air a leithid de cheòl a’ chluinntinn bho daoine sam bidh eile, gus a’ mhìos seo. Tha Niteworks air a bhith mun cuairt airson ùine a-nis — Read more →