Friends – 10 Years On

10 years ago today, one of America (and the UK)’s favourite sitcoms came to a close in perhaps one of TV’s best ever finales.  Of course, that show was Friends – a sitcom that is now a benchmark for shows that can not only make generations of viewers laugh but also relate to the human stories going on in the show.  There’s not been a show like Friends again, and it’s hard to say if there ever will be. Friends got so many things right — Read more →

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Review

Spider-Man has taken a back seat in recent years to his other, now more illustrious, Marvel brothers and sisters and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an attempt at bringing the “web-slinger” back on to the big screen.  The film is a good superhero film, and worth a watch, but lacks a little oomph that it needs as an action film. If you see The Amazing Spider-Man 2, there will be nothing in it that really covers new ground for an action film.  We see the — Read more →

Game of Thrones – Season 1: A Belated Review

It did take me almost three years after the first season began to first watch Game of Thrones, but I’m glad I did.  With the excitement rising across the internet and my friends around the upcoming season 4, and having no ongoing TV show that I’m watching, my flatmates and I dived into Game of Thrones to see what all the fuss is about.  I’m glad we did. The show takes place in the fictional lands of the Seven Kingdoms.  There is plenty of background — Read more →

Free to Play: Review

Perhaps the biggest new innovation to come out of video games in the last generation was competitive gaming.  It was facilitated by the widespread adoption of broadband internet, a new set of consoles that brought multiplayer to the masses and games that suited this new opportunity as well.  Competitive gaming, or eSports, is perhaps one of the fastest growing sports out there at the moment – although it has still not broken through to the mainstream because of the stigma surrounding playing games and being — Read more →

House of Cards – Season 2: Review

Without a doubt my favourite current ongoing TV show is House of Cards.  I really enjoyed Season 1 and luckily jumped on the bandwagon at the right time with Season 2 being released just after I finished with the first.  I’ve taken my time to go through the 13 episodes of Season 2, and have been struck yet again with awe at the quality of the show.  Here’s my review of Season 2, with a spoiler-filled discussion of the events of the season on the — Read more →