ITV Leaders’ Debate: Review

The general election campaign is well and truly underway now after last night’s one-and-only TV debate between the country’s seven main parties vying for our votes in just over a month’s time.  While at times it was a bit of a stramash, with the leaders trying to get their voices heard over the others, in general it was a very interesting piece of political television and what will hopefully be a real spark to what promises to be a powder-keg few weeks. In some ways — Read more →

House of Cards – Season 3: Review

Major spoilers for seasons 1-3 of House of Cards ahead, read with caution! The rise and fall of TV characters is the essence of a good show, and what keeps us tuned in episode after episode, season after season as we see the stories of those we like or loathe unfold before us.  No show has this idea at its’ heart more than House of Cards, with the fortunes of Frank Underwood being the driving force behind the political drama that packs a punch.  The — Read more →

Foxcatcher: Review

Trailers are often used to great effect in creating buzz about a movie, and of shaping your expectations of what you are going to get if you venture out to the cinema to catch the film.  But sometimes the trailers don’t capture the true feeling of the film, and leave you a little bemused afterwards.  Sadly, Foxcatcher is a great example where the film doesn’t quite live up to the trailer’s hype. Foxcatcher is about the true story of wrestler Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum), and — Read more →

Putting borders on the internet

One of the things that makes the internet as enormously resourceful, entertaining and helpful as it is is the fact that it is a truly worldwide phenomenon that anybody, from anywhere can use and create. The internet can be seen as one of the fastest ways of delivering globalisation as it allows people to learn and experience other cultures from afar in a way that could never have been imagined before. It is this free exchange of information and entertainment that makes it what it — Read more →

The Newsroom: Series Review

Television has had some great writers over the years, but none are quite like Aaron Sorkin. The New Yorker’s insatiable talent for penning interesting, intelligent and engaging screenplays is legendary and when you sit down to watch a show he has written; you know it’s going to be good. The final curtain fell last week on Sorkin’s TV career (for the time being) with the series finale of The Newsroom – and for a show that had a short run of three brief seasons, I — Read more →