The battle for Labour past, present & future

It hurts just a little to say it, but Labour could probably learn a thing or two from the Tories.  Rather than launching into the second long-term leadership battle in as many years, Theresa May took charge of the country as Prime Minister last week just a matter of weeks after the starting gun was fired on the Tory contest. But in saying that, Labour’s leadership battle is exactly that – a fight, potentially to the death, over what the party stands for and how — Read more →

The Turkish Coup

Last night, to cap off what has already been a tumultuous week, there was a failed coup attempt in Turkey as factions within the military tried to seize control and oust President Erdogan. While the event itself was completely out-of-the-blue, the circumstances leading up to it were years in the making – even though many of it was rarely reported here in Western media. Here’s a summary of what happened last night, how things got to this stage and where things will go from here. — Read more →

May takes the reigns

Britain gets a new Prime Minister tomorrow, and for the first time since the reign of Margaret Thatcher it’ll be a woman occupying 10 Downing Street. Home Secretary Theresa May will receive the ultimate promotion tomorrow after the Conservative leadership election triggered by David Cameron’s falling on his sword was ended early as Andrea Leadsom quit yesterday morning. Theresa May was quickly becoming the obvious choice to succeed David Cameron – with years’ worth of Cabinet experience and a strong Conservative streak that would endear — Read more →

Scotland’s place in the wider world

With another independence referendum potentially coming relatively soon, it’s once again time to start setting out the stall of what an independent Scotland could be like. One of the arguments last time was that the SNP dominated the vision of what would happen upon independence, and that was entirely true.  Rather than having competing ideals about what we could do on our own two feet, the Yes campaign largely fell in line with the arguments put forth by Alex Salmond & co. If there’s to — Read more →

Brexit – What now?

So, it’s happened.  the UK has voted to leave the European Union.  While the result was perhaps a surprise, it’s worth noting that the polls did actually show that Leave was in the lead going into the final day, with the “undecided effect” not really materialising for the Remain camp in the way that many pollsters and I expected. Here are the final results from each part of the country: Remain Leave England 46.6% 53.4% Scotland 62.0% 38.0% Wales 47.5% 52.5% N Ireland 55.8% 44.2% — Read more →