Lib Dems 2016 election manifesto summary

- Expand early education to give every child a good start, and flexibility for parents
- A Pupil Premium for extra support and better attainment in every classroom
- A wider curriculum, with inspiring new online courses and engagement with business
- Build back up our colleges, with new courses to train for the skills we need
- Support for universities and science, including more women in science, technology, engineering and maths
- Business engaged with schools and colleges, and shaping apprentice programmes on a sector skills basis
- Transform mental health support so people can get the treatment they need
- Double the mental health budget for children and young people so they can access better services
- Train more mental health professionals and co-locate them with GPs, the police, at A&E and in prisons
- Recruit, retain and train more GPs, increasing the share of health spending on primary care, and trebling the Primary Care Fund
- Give more professional freedoms to health and social care workers to deliver excellent care
- Provide robust real-terms funding of the NHS
- Promote good health and tackle inequalities
- A fair welfare system, especially for those with mental health problems
- More homes for affordable rent
- Tackle fuel poverty and create warmer homes, with catch-up zones in areas worst hit
- Create a Fit For The Future Investment Fund for warm homes, rented homes and broadband
- More support for the victims of crime and an effective restorative and rehabilitative approach to stop re-offending
- Radical drug reform to focus on supply and not possession, and increase treatment and education for offenders
- Stop the creation of an intrusive ID database
- Bring democracy back into Scottish policing
Equality and social justice
- Act to tackle bullying and discrimination
- Enshrine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Scottish law
- Get a balance of women and men on every public board
- Give local authorities the powers to respond to demands from local communities
- Promote regional deals to bring together councils, business and colleges
- Refuse another referendum on independence
- Extend freedom of information to private companies delivering public services
- Support fair business practice
Transport and Infrastructure
- Speed up rail journey times to the North East and Highlands
- Develop contactless payment for all public transport
- Extend super-fast broadband and mobile phone coverage to all of Scotland
Environment and Energy
- Prioritise renewable heat for industry and district heating
- Support a diverse range of renewable energy – including geothermal and solar to protect security of supply
- Increase the number of natural conservation areas in Scotland and take tougher action on wildlife crime
- Expand recycling and re-use in a circular economy