2015 Labour General Election Manifesto

Here is the summary of Labour’s general election manifesto.  Click one of the links below to go to a specific section.  You can read the whole manifesto here.  Click here to read all parties’ manifestos.

  • cut the deficit every year and balance the books as soon as possible in the next Parliament
  • reverse the 50p tax cut so that the top one per cent pay a little more to help get the deficit down
  • not increase the basic or higher rates of Income Tax, National Insurance or VAT
  • cut and then freeze business rates and maintain the most competitive corporate tax rates in the G7
  • abolish non dom status
  • increase the National Minimum Wage to more than £8 an hour by October 2019 and introduce Make Work Pay contracts to provide tax rebates to firms becoming Living Wage employers
  • ban exploitative zero-hours contracts
  • guarantee an apprenticeship for every school leaver who attains the grades and require any firm that gets a large government contract to offer apprenticeships
  • reduce tuition fees to £6,000 a year
  • freeze energy bills until 2017 and give the regulator the power to cut bills this winter
  • introduce a British Investment Bank and support a network of regional banks.


Health & Education
  • invest £2.5 billion more that the Conservatives to recruit 8,000 more GPs, 20,000 more nurses and 3,000 more midwives
  • guarantee GP appointments within 48 hours and cancer tests within one week
  • join up services from home to hospital, with a single point of contact for all who need it
  • give mental health the same priority as physical health, with a new right to access talking therapies
  • repeal the Government’s privatisation plans, cap profits and put the right values back at the heart of the NHS
  • end time-limited 15 minute social care visits and recruit 5,000 new home-care workers to support people in their home
  • introduce a new gold-standard Technical Baccalaureate for 16 to-18-year olds
  • protect the entire education budget from early years through to post-16 education
  • guarantee all teachers in state schools will be qualified
  • appoint Directors of School Standards to drive up standards in every area
  • cap class sizes for five, six and seven-year-olds
  • ensure all young people study English and Maths to age 18.


Social Policies
  • extend free childcare from 15 to 25 hours for working parents of three and four-year-olds, and ensure all primary schools guarantee access to wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm
  • double paternity leave from two to four weeks and increase paternity pay by more than £100 a week
  • ensure at least 200,000 new homes a year are built by 2020, with first priority for local first time buyers
  • provide security for renters by guaranteeing three-year tenancies with a ceiling on excessive rent rises
  • introduce a compulsory jobs guarantee, paid for by a Bank Bonus Tax
  • abolish the Bedroom Tax
  • ensure migrants will not be able to claim benefits until they have lived here for at least two years
  • make it illegal for employers to undercut wages by exploiting workers
  • protect neighbourhood policing by safeguarding over 10,000 frontline police officers over the next three years
  • give football fans a voice in club boardrooms.


  • set up a people-led Constitutional Convention to determine the future of UK’s governance
  • replace the House of Lords with a Senate of the Nations and Regions
  • pass an English Devolution Act, handing £30 billion of resources and powers to our great English city and county regions
  • give new powers for communities to shape their high streets, including power over payday lenders and the number of fixed-odds betting terminals
  • meet our promises to devolve further powers to Scotland and Wales
  • give 16 and 17-year-olds the vote
  • create a statutory register of lobbyists
  • ban MPs from holding paid directorships and consultancies
  • require large companies to publish their gender pay gap
  • implement the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry.


Europe, Defence & Foreign Policy
  • conduct a Strategic Defence and Security Review in the first year of government
  • return Britain to a leadership role in Europe, but reform the EU so that it works for Britain
  • guarantee no powers will be transferred to Brussels without an in/out referendum
  • appoint an International LGBT Rights Envoy and a Global Envoy for Religious Freedom
  • outlaw discrimination against and abuse of members of the Armed Forces
  • enshrine the Military Covenant in the NHS Constitution
  • push for global targets to tackle inequality and promote human rights
  • establish a Centre for Universal Health Coverage
  • push for an ambitious target in Paris to get to goal of net zero global emissions in the second half of this century.

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